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Our team


Mattias Svensson
Principal Investigator

Mattias is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Rheumatology and Inflammation Research, University of Gothenburg. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Gothenburg and his postdoctoral training at the La Jolla Insitute of Immunology and the University of California San Diego (UCSD). Mattias also serves at the Deputy Head of Department at The Department of Rheumatology and Inflammation Research


Miriam Bollmann
Postdoctoral Scholar

Miriam received her Ph.D. from the University in Magdenburg, Germany. She is developing novel methods to study the interaction between stromal cells and immune cells in the synvoium. 

Gunilla recieved her degree as Biomedical Scientist from the University of Gothenburg. She is currently responsible for collecting and analyzing clinical samples obtained from patients. She is also performing moelcular and functional in vitro assays with fibroblast-like synvocytes.


Anders Nguyen
PhD Student

Anders recieved his M.Sc. from the University of Gothenburg. He is currently stuyding the interaction between ILCs and stromal cells in the pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthrtiis. His work includes performing molecular and functional in vitro and in vivo assay.

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Agnieszka Lastowska
PhD Student

Agnieszka received her M.Sc from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. She is currently investigating what mechanisms that regulates the development and activation of ILCs in humans and mice. 

Gustav is a biotechnologist from Chalmers University. He is currently developing multicolor immunofloursecent staining protocols for detecting innate immune cells (e.g. ILCs) and stromal cells (e.g. fibroblast-like synoviocytes) in human tissue samples. 

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Ing-Marie Jonsson
Research assistant

Ing-Marie has a PhD from the University of Gothenburg and over 50 years of experience working with histolopathology. She is our histology wizard.

Isabel Haupt
Research Scholar

Isabel is investigating the location of ILC2 within the synovium of RA patients and their interaction with FLS.

Nour Dada
Research Scholar

Lina Andersson
Research Scholar

Nour is performing histo-pathological assessment of arthritic joints, assessing the effect of various treatments on artritis severity.

Lina is developing protocols for the isolation and characterization of human ILC2 from peripheral blood and tissues. 

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Test Tubes
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Konstantin Daume
Research Scholar

Konstantin is working with Agnieszka to characterize the role of ILCs in development of autoimmune arthritis

Nicolas Bontemps
Master thesis student

Nicolas is pharmacy student from the University of Gothenburg and he is currently doing this master thesis project, which is focused on developing novel in vitro 3D models to study pathological processes in the human synovium. 

Emelie Gustafsson
Master thesis student

Emelie is pharmacy student from the University of Gothenburg and he is currently doing this master thesis project in our lab. Her project is focused on developing novel in vitro 3D models of human synovium, which can be used assess different anti-rheumatic therapies


2024.       Negar Ayoubzadeh- Research assistant - Currently PhD student at Astra Zeneca
2024.       Symeon Kourmoulakis - Research assistant - Currently PhD student at the University of Stockholm 
2024.       Charlotte Van Der Plas - Research assistant - Continuing University  
2024.       Oskar Landberg, Master thesis project as part of medical program at University of Gothenburg
2024.       Suzan Gumush, Bachelor Thesis project (30hp)
2023.       Alfred Andersson, Bachelor Thesis project (15hp)    
2023        Faiza Tahsin Rashid, Master Thesis Project (60hp)
2023        Olaitan Salam, Master Thesis Project (60hp)     
2022        Gunilla Larsson, Research Assistant   
2020        Jennie Lindau, Medical student, Master Thesis Project (30hp)
2020        Rawan Qtefan, Pharmacy student, Master Thesis Project (30hp)

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