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Svensson Lab
2024 - November
Svensson lab at the ACR in Washington D.C. Oral, poster and awards!!
Great representation by Miriam, Anders and Agnieszka at the 2024 ACR conference in Washington D.C. Oral presentations by Miriam and Anders and poster presentations by Agnieszka and Anders. All four submitted abstracts accepted for presentation is an great achievement! Anders also received the "2024 Emerging Investigator Excellence Award" for his abstract. This is the second year in a row that Anders recives this award!!
2024 - September
Welcome to our new labmembers
We welcome seven new lab members to the Svensson Group. Nicolas and Emelie, are both pharmacy students who will do their master's thesis projects durin fall 2025. We also welcome Isabel, Nour, Lina and Konstantin, who are all recived research scholarships form Gustav V to do research projects in the Svensson Lab
2024 - June
Congratulations to Symeon and Negar
A bit congratulations to both Symeon and Negar, who have been accepted as PhD Students, . Symoen at Stockholm University and Negar at Astra Zeneca in Gothenburg as an industrial PhD. Proud to have trained two such brilliant young scientist that now continue their scientific journey.
2024 - January
Goodbye Symeon and Charlotte
We are sad to see Symeon and Charlotte leave the lab but wish them the best of luck on their upcoming adventures and careers!

2024 - January
New collaborative paper published
We are happy to announce that our recent collaboration with the group of Nisarg Shah at UCSD has been published in ACS Nano. Congrats to Anders and Miriam on their co-author publication!
2023 - November
Fantastic presentations at the ACR
Congratulations to Anders and Agnieszka for giving to amazing oral presentations at the ACR in San Diego!!

2023 - November
Abstract award to Anders
We are very proud of Anders that received the "2023 Emerging Investigator Excellence Award" for his abstract at the ACR convergence! A great success!!
2023 - August
2 oral abstracts at the ACR convergence
Today we celebrate that Anders and Agnieszkas abstracts for the ACR Conference in San Diego both got selected for oral presentation! Amazing news!
2023 - APRIL
Second PhD student recruited
We happy to announce that Agnieszka Lastowska have been accepted as a PhD Student at the Sahlgrenska Akademi! She will be the second PhD student to join the Svensson Lab!
2023 - March
New collaborative paper published
We are happy to announce that our recent collaboration with the group of Nisarg Shah at UCSD has been published in Advance Science. Congrats to Anders for first co-author publication!
2022 - December
Welcome Agnieszka and Ing-Marie.
We are happy to welcome research assitants Agnieszka and Ing-Marie to the group!
2022 - November
The labs first PhD student recruited
We are happy to announce that Anders Nguygen has been registererd as a PhD student at University of Gothenburg. He is the first PhD student of the Svensson Lab!
2022 - October
Collaborative paper published
Collaboration with the groups of Prof. Gary Firestein and Prof. Wei Wang published in Nature Communications
2022 - October
New funding from the IngaBritt och Arne Lundbergs Forskningsstiftelse
We are happy to announc that we have received a very generous grant of 3,4 million SEK from the IngaBritt och Arne Lundbergs Forskningsstiftelse. This grant will be used to establish a state-of-the-art "from tissue to analysis" histological infrastructure!
2022 - September
We welcome Miriam, Charlotte, Symeon and Negar to the lab
We welocme Miriam (postdoctoral fellow), Charlotte (erasmus student), Symeon (Research assistant) and Negar (Research Assistant) to the lab!
2022 - August
We welcome Master's student Olaitan to the lab
Olaitan, a Master's student in Biology at the University of Gothenburg, joins the lab for her 60hp Master's Thesis project.
2022 - July
We welcome Master student Faiza to the lab
Faiza, a Master's student in Biology at the University of Gothenburg, joins the lab for her 60hp Master Thesis project.
2022 - May
Mattias presents at the FOREUM funded science meeting at EULAR
Mattias presents our current research on ILCs in Rheumatoid Arthritis during the FOREUM funded science session at EULAR.
2021 - December
We welcome Anders Nguyen to the lab
Anders Nguyen joins our lab as a pre-doctoral researcher.
2021 - October
New funding received from "Swedish Research Council"
We are thrilled to announce that the Svensson Lab has received a 4-year establishment grant from the Swedish Research council.

2021 - June
New funding received from "Foundation for Research in Rheumatology (FOREUM)"
We are happy to announce that the Svensson Lab has received a 3-year career research grant from the european Foundation for Research in Rheumatology. We are very proud to be part of the FOREUM family.

2021 - June
New funding received from "Konung Gustaf V:s 80-årsfond"
The lab has recieved a new grant from "Konung Gustaf V:s 80-årsfond" in support of our work on the immunopathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis
2021 - March
New funding received from "Apotekare Hedbergs Stiftelse för Medicinsk Forskning"
The lab has recieved a new grant from "Apotekare Hedbergs Stiftelse för Medicinsk Forskning" in support of our work on the immunopathogenesis of human rheumatoid arthritis

2021 - March
Mattias named Assistant Adjunct Professor at UCSD
Mattias appointed Assistant Adjunct Professor within the Department of Medicine at University of California, San Diego (UCSD)

2021 - March
Collaborative paper published
Collaboration with the group of Dr. Anna-Carin Lundell published in Lupus Science & Medicine

2021 - January
New funding received from Stiftelsen Professor Nanna Svartz fond
The lab has recieved a new grant from "Siftelsen Professor Nanna Svartz fond" in support of our work on the immunopathogenesis of human rheumatoid arthritis

2021 - January
Congratulations to Jennie and Rawan
Congratulations to Jennie Lindau and Rawan Qtefan who successfully defended their master thesis projects!
2020 - December
Institutional support received from the Sahlgrenska Academy
The lab has recieved funding from the Sahlgrenska Academy for the recruitment of a postdoctoral fellow to the lab.

2020 - December
New funding received from Åke Wibergs stiftelse
The lab has recieved a new grant from Åke Wibergs stiftelse in support of our work on the role of innate-like immune cells in rheumatoid arthritis

2020 - November
New funding received from Jeansson Foundations
The lab has recieved a new grant from the Jeanssons Foundations to study the role of innate immunity in human Rheumatoid Arthrits

2020 - September
New funding received from Gunvor och Josef Anérs stiftelse
he lab has recieved a new grant from the Gunvor och Josef Anérs stiftelse to study the role of innate immunity in human Rheumatoid Arthrits

2020 - September
New funding received from the National Insitutes of Health (NIH)
We are happy to announce that we have recieved R21-funding from the National Insitutes of Health (NIH) in the US. This grant will support our work on the role of innate lymphoid cells in Rheumatoid Arhtritis.

2020 - September
Paper accepted in JCI Insight
Mattias paper "PTPN2 links colonic and joint inflammation in experimental autoimmune arthritis" has been accepted for publication in JCI Insight (IF 6.2).

2020 - September
Welcome Jennie and Rawan
Welcome to Jennie Lindau and Rawan Qtefan who will do their master thesis projects in the lab during the autum of 2020.
2020 - August
Welcome Gustaf
Gustaf Edman joins the lab as a research technician.
2020 - April 20
Paper accepted in Science Advances
Mattias paper "Synoviocyte-targeted therapy synergizes with TNF inhibition in arthritis reversal" has been accepted for publication in Science Advances (IF 13.1).

2020 - january 17
New funding recieved from Mangus Bergvalls Stiftelse
The lab has recieved frunding from Magnus Bergvalls Stiftelse to study the role of innate-like immune cells in rheumatoid arthritis

2020 - january 7
Mattias awarded the Sahlgrenska International Starting grant
Mattias have received the Sahlgrenska International Starting grant (1 MSEK). Insitutional support to help his establishment as an independent group leader at the University of Gothenburg.

2020 - january 1
Launch of the Svensson lab at the Univeristy of Gothenburg
We are excited to start our work at the Department of Rheumatology and Inflammation Research, Institute of Medicine, University of Gothenburg.

2019 - September
Mattias awarded the SSMF large grant
Mattias have been awarded a 4-year large grant (6.8 MSEK) from the Swedish Foundation of Medical Research (SSMF). This award enables Mattias to establish his own independent research group at the Department of Rheumatology and Inflammation Research, University of Gothenburg in Sweden.

2019 - May
Mattias receives prestigious award from the ANRF
I'm happy to announce that I have received a prestigious award for the Arthritis National Research Foundation in the US. This award is given to the most talented young researchers in the field of rheumatology in the US and I'm honored to join the ANRF Scholars.

"Dr. Mattias Svensson – RA Leads to Loss of our Natural Protection"
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